Sunday, February 1, 2015

Cola - Really a stain remover?

One day, when I was cleaning my motor bike, I was shocked in seeing rust on the rims of the bike. I rubbed it with water/oil soaked cloth. But, I couldn't remove it. Beyond my great laziness on such practices, was really worrying that I was not able to remove the rust.
One of my friends came and started suggesting me with his ideas. He strongly suggested me an incredible ideas to use coca-cola or Pepsi cola to remove rust. He added also that those sift drinks may be used to clean the toilets in removing stain.
It's really unbelievable. How could be, orally consumable food product, used to remove rust and stain? I asked him that why can't we use turbulent water fill flow at high pressure for this purpose, instead? He LOL and replied me that his idea is cheaper and easier than mine.
Is it so? What really makes cola to be used for this purpose? Can you please verify that which property of cola helps it for this purpose and substantiate my friend's statement?

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