Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Environmental Science and Engineering 2 mark questions

These are some possible 2 mark questions. These are selected questions from University Question papers. The answers for these questions will be uploaded soon.
April/May 2008
1. What is desertification? Give any two reasons for it.
2. What is overgrazing? Write any two adverse effects of it.
3. Define the term Producers and Consumers.
4. What is Biodiversity?
5. Define pollution and pollutant.
6. Define Soil pollution.
7. What is landslide?
8. Write two advantages of rain water harvesting.
9. What is “Air prevention and control of Pollution act”?
10. Define Population explosion.
11. What are the major precautions to avoid AIDS?

November/December 2008
12. What is meant by Green House Gases?
13. What is non-point pollution?
14. What is meant by CDM?
15. What are the various sources of radioactive pollution?
16. What do you understand by the terms flora and fauna?
17. What is meant by environmental audit?
18. What is meant by NIMBY syndrome?
May/June 2009
19. What is aquifer? Mention its types.
20. Draw a flow chart on Energy flow in ecosystem.
21. Name any two extinct species of India.
22. List the advantages of water shed projects.
23. Write the salient features of Forest Conservation Act-1980.
24. What is meant by doubling time? What is the doubling time for India?
25. Write short notes on Family welfare program in India.
April/May 2010
26. What is ecology?
27. Write down the different types of energy sources.
28. Write short note on biodiversity
29. What is global warming?
30. Distinguish between formal and value education.
31. What is wild plant wealth?
May/June 2010
32. Differentiate between a Biome and an Ecosystem.
33. Define food chain and food web
34. Differentiate between genetic diversity and species diversity.
35. What is marine pollution?
36. Define Decibel and COD.
37. Distinguish Renewable and Non renewable energy sources.
38. What is sustainable development?
39. Define water shed management.
40. Differentiate between HIV and AIDS.
November/December 2010
41. Differentiate between pollution control and pollution prevention.
42. Differentiate between Primary and Secondary air pollutants with examples.
43. List any four adverse effects of mining.
November/December 2007
44. What is forest degradation?
May/June 2007
45. Write two merits and demerits of dams.
46. Give any four methods to control noise pollution.
47. How nuclear hazards can be disposed safely?
48. What is acid rain?
49. What are the types of solid wastes?