Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Environmental Science and Engineering 2 mark questions

These are some possible 2 mark questions. These are selected questions from University Question papers. The answers for these questions will be uploaded soon.
April/May 2008
1. What is desertification? Give any two reasons for it.
2. What is overgrazing? Write any two adverse effects of it.
3. Define the term Producers and Consumers.
4. What is Biodiversity?
5. Define pollution and pollutant.
6. Define Soil pollution.
7. What is landslide?
8. Write two advantages of rain water harvesting.
9. What is “Air prevention and control of Pollution act”?
10. Define Population explosion.
11. What are the major precautions to avoid AIDS?

November/December 2008
12. What is meant by Green House Gases?
13. What is non-point pollution?
14. What is meant by CDM?
15. What are the various sources of radioactive pollution?
16. What do you understand by the terms flora and fauna?
17. What is meant by environmental audit?
18. What is meant by NIMBY syndrome?
May/June 2009
19. What is aquifer? Mention its types.
20. Draw a flow chart on Energy flow in ecosystem.
21. Name any two extinct species of India.
22. List the advantages of water shed projects.
23. Write the salient features of Forest Conservation Act-1980.
24. What is meant by doubling time? What is the doubling time for India?
25. Write short notes on Family welfare program in India.
April/May 2010
26. What is ecology?
27. Write down the different types of energy sources.
28. Write short note on biodiversity
29. What is global warming?
30. Distinguish between formal and value education.
31. What is wild plant wealth?
May/June 2010
32. Differentiate between a Biome and an Ecosystem.
33. Define food chain and food web
34. Differentiate between genetic diversity and species diversity.
35. What is marine pollution?
36. Define Decibel and COD.
37. Distinguish Renewable and Non renewable energy sources.
38. What is sustainable development?
39. Define water shed management.
40. Differentiate between HIV and AIDS.
November/December 2010
41. Differentiate between pollution control and pollution prevention.
42. Differentiate between Primary and Secondary air pollutants with examples.
43. List any four adverse effects of mining.
November/December 2007
44. What is forest degradation?
May/June 2007
45. Write two merits and demerits of dams.
46. Give any four methods to control noise pollution.
47. How nuclear hazards can be disposed safely?
48. What is acid rain?
49. What are the types of solid wastes?

Monday, July 25, 2011


A nuclear power plant (NPP) is a thermal power station in which the heat source is one or more nuclear reactors.

The schematic arrangement of a nuclear power station is shown above.
The whole arrangement can be divided into following main stages.
(i)Nuclear Reactor (ii)Heat Exchanger (iii)Steam Turbine (iv)Alternator
(i)Nuclear Reactor
It is an apparatus in which nuclear fuel(U235)is subjected to nuclear fission.It controls the chain reaction that starts once the fusion is done.If the chain reaction is not controlled,the result will be an explosion due to the fast increase in the energy released.
A nuclear reactor is a cylindrical stout pressure vessel and houses fuel rods of Uranium moderator and control rods.The fuel rods constitute the fission materials and release huge amount of energy when bombarded with slow moving neutrons.The moderator consists of graphite rods which enclose the fuel rods.The control rods are of Cadmium and and are inserted in the reactor.Cadmium is strong neutron absorber and thus regulates the supply of neutrons for fission.When the control rods are pushed in deep enough,they absorb most of fission neutrons and hence few are available for chain reaction, which therefore stops.However,hence they are being withdrawn,more and more of these fission neutorns cause fission and hence the intensity of chain reaction is increased.Therefore by pulling out the control rods,power of nuclear reactor is increased,whereas by pushing them in,it is reduced.In actual practice,the lowering or raising of control rods is accomplished automatically acoording to the requiremen t of load.The heat produced by the reactor is removed by the coolant, generally a sodium metal.The coolant carries heat to the heat exchanger.
(ii)Heat Exchanger
The coolant gives up the heat to the heat exchanger which is utilised in raising the steam.After giving up heat,the coolant is again fed to the reactor.
(iii)Steam Turbine
The stean produced in the heat exchanger is led to the steam turbine througha valve.after doing a useful work in the turbine,the steam is exhausted to the condenser.The condenser condense the steam which is fed to the heat exchangerthrough feed water pump.
The steam turbine drives the alternator which converts mechanical energy into electrical energy.The output from the alernator is delivered to the bus bars through tansformers,circuit brakers and isolators.

A nuclear reactor is a device to initiate and control a sustained nuclear chain reaction.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Nice words of Pamaran (http://pamaran.wordpress.com) to think about Nature's present condition.

Nice words of Pamaran (http://pamaran.wordpress.com) to think about Nature's present condition.

The following lines are a part of Mr.Pamaran's one of the articles - "IRUPATHAAM NOOTTRAANDIN ISAI NANDHAN RAASAIYAAVUKKU". Really...... touching..... We need to think and do something in this regard.

"நகரத்தின் நகங்கள் நீண்டு……
வயல்வெளிகள் ரியல் எஸ்டேட்டுகளாய்…….
மிச்சமிருக்கிற மரங்களும் சூறையாடப்பட்டு…….உயர் ரகக் குழந்தைகளுக்கான டிஸ்னி லேண்டுகளாய்…….
கிராமத்துச் சிறுவர்கள் வெட்டுக்கிளியும்,பொன்வண்டும் பிடித்துத் திரிந்த புதர்க் காடுகள்….ஹாலிடே ரிசார்ட்டுகளாய்….
எங்கள் இயற்கை ‘நவீனத்தின்’ கோரப்பற்களால்குதறப்பட ஆரம்பித்தாயிற்று."

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Air Pollution

Air Pollution

Pollution (is a process) is defined as the excessive discharge of undesirable substances into the environment, adversely altering the natural qualityof the environment and causing damage to humans, plants and animals.

Air pollution is the introduction of (undesirable or unwanted substances) chemicals, particulate matter, or biological materials that cause harm or discomfort to humans or other living organisms, or cause damage to the natural environment or built environment, into the atmosphere.

A substance in the air that can cause harm to humans and the environment is known as an air pollutant.

Classification of Pollutants

1. primary

2. secondary.

Primary pollutants are directly emitted from a process, such as ash from a volcanic eruption, the carbon monoxide gas from a motor vehicle exhaust or sulfur dioxide released from factories.

Secondary pollutants are not emitted directly. Rather, they form in the air when primary pollutants react or interact. An important example of a secondary pollutant is ground level ozone — one of the many secondary pollutants that make up photochemical smog.

Some pollutants may be both primary and secondary: that is, they are both emitted directly and formed from other primary pollutants.

Examples for Primary Pollutants are :

Toxic metals, such as lead, cadmium and copper.
Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs)

Ammonia (NH3)

Odors — such as from garbage, sewage, and industrial processes
Radioactive pollutants

Examples for Secondary Pollutants are :

Particulate matter formed from gaseous primary pollutants and compounds in

photochemical smog

Ground level ozone (O3) formed from NOx and VOCs

Also Read the following link for "Air Pollution" - Indian Scinario :

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Ecology and it's components

Ecology and it's components

What is ecology?Ecology is the scientific study of how living things interact with the environment

Autotrophs are producers and producers are organisms that make their own food. They are the only organisms that can convert solar energy into chemical energy or food (organic compound). They carry out autotrophic nutrition. Plants and algae are autotrophs.
Auto: means self
Troph: means feeder
Autotrophs are self-feeders
PLANTS ARE AUTOTROPHS. (They make their own food)
ALGAE ARE AUTOTROPHS (They make their own food)Scientists estimated that about 65 - 85% of the oxygen we breathe comes from algae.

Heterotrophs are consumers and consumers are organisms that eat or obtain nutrients made by autotrophs. They depend on autotrophs for food. Horses, cows, lions and humans are heterotrophs.

Herbivores are heterotrophs that eat plants only, EX. COWS .
Carnivores are heterotrophs that eat meat only, ex. lions.
Omnivores are heterotrophs that eat both meat and plants, ex. humans.
Decomposers are organisms that break down dead organisms and return them to the soil. They recycle nutrients. Ex. of decomposers are fungi and bacteria.
Predators are organism that kill other organisms for food, ex. a lion is a predator.

Prey are organisms that are killed and eaten by other organism, ex. deers are killed and eaten by lions.

Scavengers are heterotrophs that eat dead organisms, Ex. vultures.

Biotic are living things.
Abiotic are nonliving.Niche is the role that the organism play in the environment. For example, a lion's role is "predator"Habitat is the place where organisms live.Carrying Capacity refers to the maximum number of organism a habitat can support. Once the number of organisms reaches the carrying capacity, it levels out or stop growing.
Limiting Factors refers to any biotic or abiotic aspect of the environment that affect population growth. For example, in a desert, water and temperature are abiotic limiting factors; food, prey, and predator are biotic factors that can affect population growth.

Species Two organisms are of the same species if the can reproduce (make babies or offspring) and their babies are fertile. That is their babies can also make babies.

Population: Organisms of the same species living at the same place at the same time, for example a population of dogs, a population of cats.

Community: Different populations living at the same place and at the same time. For example, we live in a community made up of people, cats, dogs, trees, other animals and plants.
Ecosystem consist of the living and the nonliving

The Food Chain And The Food Web show how energy moves through the ecosystem.

Energy for this food web comes from the sun.

THINK! The arrow in the food chain or the food web represents energy. The caterpillar is receiving its energy from the flowers by eating them.
What happens to the owl population if the snake population is removed from the food chain?
How is the caterpillar population affected by the removal of the snake population?


How is the rabbit population affected if the deer population is removed from the food web?

The first organism in the food chain or the food web is always a plant because only plants can convert sunlight into food.
In the next level in the food chain or web are the herbivores because herbivores eat plants.
Carnivores are found on the third level or higher because they eat herbivores or other carnivores.
The arrow in the food chain or food web represents energy
Energy decreases as it goes through the ecosystem because energy is used for life functions and energy is lost as heat.
- If you remove an organism from the environment, the environment becomes less stable.
- The greater the biodiversity, the more stable the environment.

Why are plants at the bottom of the food pyramid?
What happens to energy as it goes through the ecosystem?
In the food web, how come no arrow is pointed toward the plant?
What is the role of decomposers?
Identify two organisms that carry out decomposition.
What does the arrow represent in the food web?
At what level of the energy pyramid would you find the largest amount of biomass?

Plants are at the bottom of the food pyramid because they can convert sunlight into food for animals.
The decomposers recycle nutrients, or break down dead organisms and return them into the soil so that they can be used by plants.
Fungi and bacteria carry out decomposition
In the food web, the arrow represents energy.
The largest amount of biomass is found at the bottom of the energy pyramid.

Ecological Succession


Ecological succession, is the phenomenon or process by which a community progressively transforms itself until a stable community is formed.

Succession may be initiated either by formation of new, unoccupied habitat (e.g., a lava flow or a severe landslide) or by some form of disturbance (e.g. fire, severe windthrow, logging) of an existing community. Succession that begins in areas where no soil is initially present is called primary succession, whereas succession that begins in areas where soil is already present is called secondary succession - is the invasion of a habitat by plants on land that was previously vegetated. Removal of past vegetation may be caused by natural or human disturbances such as fire, logging, cultivation, or hurricanes.

Succession stops when species composition changes no longer occur with time, and this community is said to be a climax community.


Friday, July 1, 2011

Ministers of Environment and Forests Ministry - India & Tamilnadu

Ministers of Environment and Forests Ministry - India & Tamilnadu

Government of INDIA:

Minister - Shri. Jairam Ramesh

Government of Tamilnadu:

Minister for Forests : Thiru K.T Pachamal
Minister for Environment : Thiru T.K.M Chinnayya

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Forest Ecosystem

Forest Ecosystem

Some Statistics: (Dinamani - 10.10.2010)
Total land area in India - 32.87 Lakh Sq.K.M.
Total Forest area in India - 7.75 Lakh Sq.K.M. (23.75% of toal land area)

Total land area in Tamilnadu - 1.30 Lakh Sq.K.M.
Total forest area in Tamilnadu - 22,877 Sq.K.M. (17.59% of total land area)
but, we need to increase the forest area as 33% of total land area. For this we need to have about 11.4 crore trees yet.

Definitions: A forest ecosysted is a terrestrial unit of living organisms (plants, animals and microorganisms), all interacting among themselves and with the environment (soil, climate, water and light) in which they live (http://forestry.about.com/b/2011/01/24/what-is-a-forest-ecosystem.htm).

The entire assemblage of forest organisms (trees, shrubs, herbs, bacteria, fungi, and animals, including people) together with their environmental substrate (the surrounding air, soil, water, organic debris, and rocks), interacting inside a defined boundary. Read more: (http://www.answers.com/topic/forest-ecosystem#ixzz1Qk1QzxRo - McGraw-Hill Science & Technology Dictionary)

in the above link you could find a e-book (research thesis...?) on Values of Forest eco system.

Importance of Forests: The world's forests hold importance for all of their inhabitants as well as for the overall health of the planet. The benefits of forests to society and to the diversity of life make it vital that they be protected from deforestation and other potential negative impacts of civilization. (http://www.ehow.com/about_5422707_importance-forest-ecosystem.html#ixzz1QpvJkHy2)

Types of Forests:
Forests thrive in diverse climatic regions throughout the world, and can be categorized by their locations and elevations.
Tropical: lush, dense forests found near the equator. They are vital storehouses of the planet's biodiversity.
Sub-tropical: consists of trees that can resist the summer drought.They are found to the north and south of the tropical forests.
Mediterranean: located to the south of the temperate regions and made up primarily of evergreen trees.
Temperate: mix of coniferous evergreen and deciduous trees found in North America, northeastern Asia and Europe.
Coniferous: These forests are found around the poles in cold, windy regions and contain both conifers and hardwoods.
Montane: also known as cloud forests. Contain mainly conifers and are found in high-elevation tropical, sub-tropical and temperate zones.

Biodiversity in forest: Forests contain a greater range of biodiversity than any other ecosystems on earth. Only a fraction of the species found in forests have been examined and studied. A single massive tree in the Amazon rainforest can be home for thousands of species. The wide variety of trees and plants found in tropical forests comprises particularly intensive biodiversity. This biodiversity is be important on its own terms in ways we may not currently understand, as interdependent species have evolved over millions of years to interact and flourish.

The role of forests:
Forest ecosystems deliver a vast array of products and services to the society. Perhaps the most famous product from the forest is wood, which also has a enormous diversity of applications and purposes, such as construction purposes, furniture and fuel. But apart from that there is a large number of non-timber forest products, like medicinal plants, honey, fruits and bushmeat. The availability, the use and the importance of these products varies per region and per culture. Especially in developing countries many people are dependant upon these products. In many cases they form an important part of the diet, like proteins from animal products. Most often the poorest and vulnerable part of society depend very much on the forest. This group can also revert to the forest resources in periods when their conditions get worse – the forest is then functioning as a safety net.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Thermal Power Station Lay-out

Thermal Power Station Lay-out


Components of Thermal Power Station

Superheater : Most of the modern boliers are having superheater and reheater arrangement. Superheater is a component of a steam-generating unit in which steam, after it has left the boiler drum, is heated above its saturation temperature. The amount of superheat added to the steam is influenced by the location, arrangement, and amount of superheater surface installed, as well as the rating of the boiler. The superheater may consist of one or more stages of tube banks arranged to effectively transfer heat from the products of combustion.Superheaters are classified as convection , radiant or combination of these.

Condenser : Steam after rotating steam turbine comes to condenser.Condenser refers here to the shell and tube heat exchanger (or surface condenser) installed at the outlet of every steam turbine in Thermal power stations of utility companies generally. These condensers are heat exchangers which convert steam from its gaseous to its liquid state, also known as phase transition. In so doing, the latent heat of steam is given out inside the condenser. Where water is in short supply an air cooled condenser is often used. An air cooled condenser is however significantly more expensive and cannot achieve as low a steam turbine backpressure (and therefore less efficient) as a surface condenser. The purpose is to condense the outlet (or exhaust) steam from steam turbine to obtain maximum efficiency and also to get the condensed steam in the form of pure water, otherwise known as condensate, back to steam generator or (boiler) as boiler feed water.

Condensers are classified as (i) Jet condensers or contact condensers (ii) Surface condensers.

In jet condensers the steam to be condensed mixes with the cooling water and the temperature of the condensate and the cooling water is same when leaving the condenser; and the condensate can't be recovered for use as feed water to the boiler; heat transfer is by direct conduction.

In surface condensers there is no direct contact between the steam to be condensed and the circulating cooling water. There is a wall interposed between them through heat must be convectively transferred.The temperature of the condensate may be higher than the temperature of the cooling water at outlet and the condnsate is recovered as feed water to the boiler.Both the cooling water and the condensate are separetely with drawn.Because of this advantage surface condensers are used in thermal power plants.Final output of condenser is water at low temperature is passed to high pressure feed water heater,it is heated and again passed as feed water to the boiler.Since we are passing water at high temperature as feed water the temperature inside the boiler does not dcrease and boiler efficincy also maintained.

Economiser : Flue gases coming out of the boiler carry lot of heat.Function of economiser is to recover some of the heat from the heat carried away in the flue gases up the chimney and utilize for heating the feed water to the boiler.It is placed in the passage of flue gases in between the exit from the boiler and the entry to the chimney.The use of economiser results in saving in coal consumption , increase in steaming rate and high boiler efficiency but needs extra investment and increase in maintenance costs and floor area required for the plant.This is used in all modern plants.In this a large number of small diameter thin walled tubes are placed between two headers.Feed water enters the tube through one header and leaves through the other.The flue gases flow out side the tubes usually in counter flow.

Air preheater : The remaining heat of flue gases is utilised by air preheater.It is a device used in steam boilers to transfer heat from the flue gases to the combustion air before the air enters the furnace. Also known as air heater; air-heating system. It is not shown in the lay out.But it is kept at a place near by where the air enters in to the boiler.
The purpose of the air preheater is to recover the heat from the flue gas from the boiler to improve boiler efficiency by burning warm air which increases combustion efficiency, and reducing useful heat lost from the flue. As a consequence, the gases are also sent to the chimney or stack at a lower temperature, allowing simplified design of the ducting and stack. It also allows control over the temperature of gases leaving the stack (to meet emissions regulations, for example).After extracting heat flue gases are passed to elctrostatic precipitator.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Hydro power plant Diagrams

Parts of hydro power plant

The first picture is of turbine and generator

The following picture shows the hydro electric power plant

(Thanks: 1.science.howstuffworks.com, 2.ga.water.usgs.gov, 3.mpoweruk.com)

Methods Of Power Generation

1. Solar power
– Solar power utilizes the solar’s immense power that can be converted to a different sort of power and that is electricity. There are solar collectors and solar panels that may accumulate the solar’s vitality to make electrical energy that can be distributed to any home. Solar power is renewable and it assists diminish polluting of the environment.The one draw back to that is the associated fee and the efficiency to provide energy.

2. Wind energy – This is another methodology of energy era that creates power. Wind generators can be constructed in locations where the wind is quite robust to generate electrical energy. Wind energy is also eco-friendly and it’s renewable. The only drawback to this is that it is restricted to windy places.

3. Geothermal energy – Geothermal energy makes use of underground steam that arrives from vents in volcanoes. Geothermal vegetation are made to produce electrical power. Geothermal vitality is abundant in locations where there are a lot of volcanoes and springs.

4. Hydro power – Hydro energy is without doubt one of the largest energy supply in the world. Virtually 70 percent of the earth utilizes hydropower to produce enough energy. Energy generation dams are constructed to produce electricity that can be distributed to totally different households.Though hydropower plants produce a large amount of power, it disrupts the natural ecosystem within its surrounding area. Other places may also be dried up as a result of water is being controlled inside the dam.

5. Fossil fuels – Fossil fuels like coal, oil and pure gas may also generate energy. Nations in the Middle East are rich in fossil fuels. The benefit of this type of energy source is it may produce numerous vitality hat can be utilized in energy vegetation cars and other machineries.The only set back to this is pollution. Fossil fuel is the number one producer of misuse gases that destroys our atmosphere. It is usually non-renewable that is why it is already depleting as of now.

6. Tidal energy. The powerful tide within the sea can be harnessed to provide energy and electricity. Although it’s viable, it’s quite rare for nations to set a tidal power plant. First, it is costly and secondly you need an enormous tide to produce sufficient energy.

7. Biomass – Biomass may be the reply to non-renewable resources to generate power. Specialists and scientist have been creating the potential of biomass energy to provide enough vitality for people to use.

8. Nuclear vitality – Nuclear vitality has its advantages and disadvantages. Since the discovery of nuclear fission, nuclear energy has been in demand to supply enough vitality and electricity. The draw back to this is the hazards it may give when crash occurs similar to the Chernobyl nuclear plant.These are the methods of power technology that can be utilized to have energy and electrical energy to make the lives of people simpler and better.

Environmental Science and Engineering

Environmental Science and Engineering

Today's (23.06.2011) class is the first class for these students(2nd year EIE) and also for this subject. Reason for studying this course was briefed. There are somany reasons, especially very important reasons, behind this subject to learn.

Being an Engineer, we should concern about the environment atmost. "Engineers make the World" - this is a famous quote which describes the engineers work/character/attitude etc. So, we can not imagine a world with out engineers. They produce/make/create everything. So, they are responsible for everything which happens in the planet. If any body wants to make anything he/she has to get the required resources from the surrounding (environment....?). So, we produce everything at the cost of environment.

We are the responsible for the protection of environment. So, this course is very important for engineers to learn/know/study. The aim of the subject would not be met out only by studying and writing exam in/on this subject. We need to correlate the concepts of this course with real life. Then only we can feel the importance of this course. We need to follow atleast very few methods to protect environment in our life. We should work hard for sustainable development in all the respects.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Power Plant Instrumentation

Today is the first class for this course. Very long back, I handled this course. This is an intersting course. In today's class, some introductions have to be given to the students about this course. Before that, need for studying this course has to be elaborated. As, the energy/power is an important consideration of today's life, we need to concentrate on two points; energy production and energy consumption. These two are very important points we have to look at.
This particular course is about energy generation/production. This course will deal about various generation methods, measurement & control procedures being followed in the power plants and various analysis methods (these are significant in controlling pollutions - environmental) process and products of power generation.
This subject has to be taught/learnt with the aspect that an engineer is more responsible in producing power with environmental/economical concern of our country.
The power crisis problem will not be solved only by increasing the number of power plants. To solve this problem we need to create an awareness among the pepole about the power conusmption.
Let us see the things one by one.


Those who wants to get updates about Environment, specifically Indian Environment may visit this website : www.cseindia.org.
(The Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) is a public interest research and advocacy organisation based in New Delhi. CSE researches into, lobbies for and communicates the urgency of development that is both sustainable and equitable.)
I hope this site would give you more interesting informations.

Sunday, June 19, 2011


Hello everyone!

I start this blog to write about my preparations for my classes. I'll try to write daily on this blog, whatever I've prepared. This semester I'm going to teach two courses for EIE department students. The courses are Environmental Science and Engineering and Poweplant Instrumentation.

These both the subjects are very needy subjects for engineering students especially for Instrumentation engieering students. Let us talk with the material for these two subjects later. The odd semester classes will commence on 22nd June 2011. We'll discuss.

Thank you.